Design & Leadership

Stanley Wood



Connect the dots to make


Connecting the dots to make

How to connect the dots. Start by collecting only the best inputs. Always strive to pay attention on purpose, to collect the dots of life and experience. It is through these dots that I am able to see the bigger picture, and to understand how the world works. As a designer and a leader, it is my duty to connect these dots in creative and thoughtful ways. I must use my creativity and ingenuity to find solutions to challenges, and to create designs that are meaningful and impactful.But creativity alone is not enough. I must also commit to my work with grit and craft, to see it through to the end and to make it the best that it can be. This requires discipline, focus, and determination, as well as a willingness to take risks and to learn from my mistakes. I must also remember to take a stoic perspective, to stay grounded and focused in the face of challenges and —-obstacles. I must not be swayed by fleeting emotions or external circumstances, but instead stay true to my principles and my vision.Finally, I must learn to zoom in and out, to see the details and the big picture at the same time. This will enable me to make thoughtful and informed decisions, and to lead both myself and others with clarity and purpose.Through my design work, I can make a positive difference in the world, and help to connect the dots to make life better. I must remember this, and strive always to do my best.

How to connect the dots. Start by collecting only the best inputs. Always strive to pay attention on purpose, to collect the dots of life and experience. It is through these dots that I am able to see the bigger picture, and to understand how the world works. As a designer and a leader, it is my duty to connect these dots in creative and thoughtful ways. I must use my creativity and ingenuity to find solutions to challenges, and to create designs that are meaningful and impactful.But creativity alone is not enough. I must also commit to my work with grit and craft, to see it through to the end and to make it the best that it can be. This requires discipline, focus, and determination, as well as a willingness to take risks and to learn from my mistakes. I must also remember to take a stoic perspective, to stay grounded and focused in the face of challenges and —-obstacles. I must not be swayed by fleeting emotions or external circumstances, but instead stay true to my principles and my vision.Finally, I must learn to zoom in and out, to see the details and the big picture at the same time. This will enable me to make thoughtful and informed decisions, and to lead both myself and others with clarity and purpose.Through my design work, I can make a positive difference in the world, and help to connect the dots to make life better. I must remember this, and strive always to do my best.

GOOD design

Guiding principles for effective design

  1. GOOD design talks to the head and to the heart.
    It balances the users rational and functional needs, with their irrational and emotional needs. 

  2. GOOD design serves people.
    To serve people you need to know people and predict their needs like a good host welcoming a guest. 

  3. GOOD design leaves nothing to chance.
    Everything is considered, planned and designed with a clear intent. It's never just because.

  4. GOOD design has rules.
    Design is a language that adheres to established patterns and forms, it isn’t self expression or random, it’s a form of communication. 

  5. GOOD design is fearless.
    Cover bands never changed the world, so it’s important to empower teams to create original ideas ,  not recycle what others have done.


An approach to Design and leadership with purpose.

© 2023 Stanley Wood